A guide for parents and carers of children aged birth-5 years


This website has been put together by NHS Stafford and Surrounds Clinical Commissioning Group with local Health Visitors, GPs and other healthcare professionals.

Every parent or carer wants to know what to do when a child is ill - use this website to learn how to care for your child at home, when to call your GP and when to contact the emergency services. Most issues your child will experience are part of growing up and are often helped by talking to your Midwife, Health Visitor or local Pharmacist. Almost all babies, toddlers and children will get common childhood illnesses like chickenpox, colds, sore throats and earache.

Some of these are easily treated at home with advice from your Pharmacist, your GP or your Health Visitor rather than going to your surgery or A&E.

This website will point you in the right direction and explain what you can do at home, or where you need to go to get assistance and advice. Trust your instincts, you know your child better than anyone else. If you are worried, get further advice.

This website also contains general welfare information which will help you keep you and your child safe and healthy.

Who can help?